Our Story
Aliquam blandit odio quam, non pulvinar diam elementum faucibus. Nullam laoreet nulla dolor, sit amet hendrerit lorem consectetur ac.
Vestibulum sed dui semper, tempus justo eu, vehicula eros. Phasellus lacinia, diam quis maximus vestibulum, leo velit rutrum sapien, id maximus mauris felis et sem.
Maecenas sagittis condimentum lorem, nec congue ligula volutpat non. Donec pretium ante vitae vestibulum fermentum.
Sed tempus turpis vel gravida placerat. Cras auctor feugiat lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae

With 15 years of experience and offices spanning the western states, we are dedicated to becoming your primary choice in home finance.
After you have chosen the loan option that is best for you, you can be assured that our team will always be here to serve your financial needs.
From affordable loans for first-time home buyers to traditional fixed and adjustable rate mortgages and jumbo loan amounts that accommodate upscale financing, we offer a wide variety of financing options.
You can count on our extensive resources, capabilities, and expertise to provide the right home loan for you.
Choosing the right loan or line of credit is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll have to make. Whether it’s for home improvements, a new car, or college tuition, you want the best loan possible. To help you choose wisely, your Capitol Direct Lending consultant is ready with answers and expert guidance. We ensure that you experience an easy application process, get a competitive rate, excellent terms, and the right payment option.
Capitol Direct has a strong team of mortgage loan professionals that are waiting to connect with you in person, virtually, or over the phone to discuss your needs. Give us a call at (916) 624-0767 or click below to schedule an appointment.